(Data Dashboard)
What are the Fresno Mobility Metrics?
Mobility Metrics provide insights into socioeconomic mobility trends and opportunities, which refers to the ability of individuals to move up or down the social and economic ladder. They are designed to empower individuals, communities, and policymakers with the data needed to understand and address issues related to upward mobility.
What do the Fresno Mobility Metrics include?
This dashboard contains data from 28 metrics that are associated with upward mobility. These metrics are grouped within DRIVE’s three priority investment areas: economic development, human capital, and neighborhood development.
Metrics for Advancing Socioeconomic Mobility in Fresno
Our metrics are organized by our three DRIVE areas of focus. Within economic development, you can find metrics related to employment, finance, and even digital access. In human development, you will find metrics associated with education, health, and social ties. Our neighborhood development metrics include data that impact resident welfare such as housing, racial diversity, environment, policing, and transportation.
Click the chart below to open in a larger format PDF.
How can the Fresno Mobility Metrics be used?
This dashboard includes highly interactive features:
Select topics of interest
Explore how the data are measured and interpreted, and review data limitations
View data at different geographic levels (e.g., zip code, city, county, and state levels)
Compare local data to other cities and counties
View trends over time
View data stratified by race/ethnicity
Build layers onto maps to further analyze data
Our Dashboard can answer your important questions:
What percentage of jobs pay living wages in your local area? How does your area compare to other cities within the Central Valley and the U.S.?
What percentage of students in the Central Valley attend high-poverty schools? And what role do racial inequities play?
Has access to healthcare increased or decreased over time in Fresno? What areas have the greatest need for more primary care physicians?
Who can use the Fresno Mobility Metrics?
Whether you're a researcher investigating the factors influencing economic progress, a community leader creating opportunities for residents, or a policymaker shaping initiatives to support disinvested communities, our user-friendly interface provides access to a wealth of data.
How were the Mobility Metrics and the Fresno Mobility Metrics developed?
The Mobility Metrics work was commissioned by the Gates Foundation and spearheaded by the Urban Institute, with a working group of 11 academic experts. The working group developed an Upward Mobility Framework and recommended metrics following a rigorous process:
Urban's working group recommended 170 predictors of mobility from poverty across a wide range of policy areas such as housing, education, health, community, and civic engagement.
The mobility metrics proposed in Urban's 2020 report, “Boosting Upward Mobility: Metrics to Inform Local Action,” were tested in eight counties, and based on findings, revised metrics were published in Spring 2023.
These metrics were selected based on:
Strength of the evidence showing predictive relationships to upward mobility
Availability of data at the local level (important for counties like Fresno!)
Validity of the measure
Ability to pinpoint disparities
The reports provide information on the validity of each metric, where you can find the data, frequency that the data are updated, availability of racial/ethnic or other subgroups, and limitations.
Urban’s working group prioritized predictors and conducted a literature review on these top ranked predictors.
In Fall of 2023, a DRIVE Data Advisory Committee reviewed Urban’s Mobility Metrics and added several additional metrics that were important for our region:
Effective Public Education
Neonatal Health
Environmental Quality
Just Policing
*Some metrics were removed or changed due to being older and less useful or unavailable at the local level.
Embracing openness in data collaboration:
Our project is centered around promoting openness and collaboration in data sharing. Dive into our dashboard tools, download graphs, cite the data, and join forces with the CVCF Team to create and share your data-driven stories!
For questions about CVCF and Fresno DRIVE’s Measurement and Evaluation efforts, please reach out to Dr. Christy Patch (christyp@centralvalleycf.org). For questions about the data dashboard development or the Urban Institute’s Mobility Metrics, please email Gabe Morrison (gmorrison@urban.org) from the Urban Institute.