Civic Infrastructure
Downtown 2.0
Fresno's Opportunity Corridor
Permanent Affordable Housing

Civic Infrastructure
Lead Organization(s): Every Neighborhood Partnership, Building Healthy Communities, Another Level Training Academy, Martin Park, Street Saints, Generation Changers, Live Again Fresno, Jackson CDC, Familias En Accion, A Hopeful Encounter, and Friends of Calwa
A placed-based movement where Neighborhood Hub organizations are building leadership and power within the adults and youth in their geographical focus area. Through a process of learning conversations, community meetings and leadership cohorts, a long-term goal is for residents to take agency over the advocacy and service of their neighborhood. Eventually we see the Hub organizations being staffed by the very residents in the neighborhood as well as at many of the decision making tables across our community.
Outcomes Update:
In 2022 the 9 Neighborhood Hub organizations engaged with 1,771 adult residents, cited 521 learning conversations, engaged with 1,548 youth, hosted 165 community meetings, held 170 service projects and held 8 resident leadership cohorts. Some of the policies that were addressed by resident groups were: 2 zoning issues for housing, the transportation ballot measure, pedestrian policy, and two issues with our local school board.

Downtown 2.0
Lead Organization(s): Downtown Fresno Partnership, City of Fresno
Focused on Fresno’s downtown area, an intermediary, Downtown Fresno Partnership, is taking a lead on support existing businesses, bringing in new businesses, expanding its cultural arts, hosting events, and supporting the development of housing. The other aspect to this work is organizing the voice of the residents and business owners in both downtown and Chinatown so they are in sync with the high-speed rail station being built in the heart of this area. Through these coordinated efforts we are seeking more investment in the continued work of Downtown’s revitalization.
Outcomes Update:
The Downtown Partnership was successful in renewing its PBID with the local business owners downtown. Have formed a strong relationship with the state’s high speed rail authority, are addressing blight with some of the property owners and have brought in over 40,000 community members to downtown events in the last year. We also gleaned more funding for structural improvements to our Arte America Cultural Center

Fresno's Opportunity Corridor
Lead Organization(s): Better Blackstone CDC, Every Neighborhood Partnership, California Avenue Neighborhood
Investing in the major corridors that feed into downtown, several organizations are organizing resident, business owner and property owner’s stakeholders so they can advocate for more place-making investments along these high traffic arteries. Business development, housing development and new creative streetscapes are a large focus of the work.
Outcomes Update:
City approved plans for street improvements at McKinley and Blackstone intersection. Two new housing developments along Blackstone broke ground. Held 4 community planning conversations along VenturaKings Canyon corridor. Held 2 tactical urban projects along Ventura Avenue and 1 along California Avenue. Completed a pedestrian assessment in SW Fresno along California Avenue.

Permanent Affordable Housing
Lead Organization(s): Fresno Housing, FIRM, Lowell CDC, Leadership Counsel, and other partners
To address the huge need for more housing, especially affordable housing, several groups are taking a multi-pronged approach to addressing this complex need. Forming new small developers, partnering with the City of Fresno’s One Housing Strategy, building a large fund to support the restoration and revitalization of older housing stock, and creating an advocacy arm that continually works with elected officials are some of the focus areas in this work. Another important part is the investment in our families in areas like home ownership preparation, renter rights and eviction rights are vital for this to succeed.
Outcomes Update:
Launched the Central Fresno Neighborhood Trust which has acquired 10 units, established the Central Valley Community Land Trust, CEDP formalized a partnership with City of Fresno on tiny home projects. Fresno City College completed 2 student housing renovation projects. Hosted 4 housing advocacy community meetings.