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Telling Fresno’s Story

Fresno’s story is a compilation of many stories. We all have unique experiences living and working in our community. Some have lived here all their lives, and some have moved here from other cities, and those experiences have shaped their thoughts about Fresno.  Also, our city’s narrative is connected to the narrative of the communities around Fresno and our region. It’s like an onion, with many layers to the story.


With DRIVE, we want to lift the individual, neighborhood, and collective stories that make up our city. We have elders who can share the historical context of how neighborhoods were formed. We have community-based organizations that have served specific populations for years and can provide stories of resilience and achievements. We have youth who, from their vantage point, can inform us about how the world is changing.


How do we get these stories to the community? We leverage local media, partners’ social media networks, and engage at neighborhood gatherings and community events.  What would it look like if our television, print, and radio outlets were constantly sharing the positive stories from our community instead of only those that put us in a bad light? What if our cultural beauty was shared continually so we better understood our neighbors? How would our community feel about itself if the messages from our media were always filled with celebration and success? Would the anima of our city change over time?

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